商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:bnxfzlp.qy6.com 济南家装自流平厂家哪家好_济南笨鸟先飞地面找平
联系人:腾师傅 先生 (总经理)
电 话:0531-58969192
手 机:13688634565




    每班结束时应做工作1) 利用水称量进水管路加水清洗搅拌主机内残留混凝土,如有结块,应即时铲 除(特别注意卸料门与拌筒、叶片与衬板间有无结块),检查主机盖与水泥称连接口处,与除尘器连接口处是否有堵塞孔口的结块.

At the end of each class should do the work of 1) using water inlet pipe weighing water cleaning agitator in the residual concrete, such as agglomeration, should immediately eradicate (pay special attention to the discharge gate and the mixing drum, blade and liner with or without caking), check the cover and cement connecting mouth connected with a dust collector the mouth are caking jam orifice.

2) 将搅拌主楼内设备各处及楼层残留堆积的粉尘等杂物清理、清洗干净.

2) cleaning and cleaning the debris and other debris in the main building of the main building and the remaining accumulated dust in the floor.

3) 清除混凝土卸料斗内残留物.

3) remove the residues in the concrete discharge hopper.

4) 气路系统各气缸活塞杆加注润滑脂;各仓底卸料门回转润滑处加润滑脂.

4) the lubricating grease is added to the cylinder piston rod of the pneumatic system, and the lubricating grease is added in the turning and lubricating place of the discharging door.

5) 将气路系统中余气放尽;各气缸、气阀应复位关闭.

5) put out the residual gas in the gas system, and the cylinders and valves should be reset and closed.

6) 冬季应将供水系统中的水全部放净.

6) in winter, all the water in the water supply system should be cleaned.

7) 检查各减速机有无渗漏油现象.

7) check the leakage of each reducer.

8) *后关闭各路电源及总电源.

8) finally close the power supply and the total power supply.








腾师傅 先生 (总经理)  
电  话: 0531-58969192
传  真: 0531-58969192
移动电话: 13688634565
公司地址: 中国山东济南市济南市各地均可服务
邮  编: 250000
公司主页: http://bnxfzlp.qy6.com(加入收藏)

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济南笨鸟先飞地面找平 公司地址:中国山东济南市济南市各地均可服务
腾师傅 先生 (总经理) 电话:0531-58969192 传真:0531-58969192
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